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Bomb Threat Prompts Coffee House Wedding
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Bomb Threat Prompts Coffee House Wedding
A quirky set of circumstances led to an unusual “I do” for a couple in Lansing on Friday.
Jeremy and Robin Morey had scheduled their wedding in front of a judge at the courthouse in Lansing but when they got there the building was closed because someone had called in a bomb threat. The couple went to a Biggby Coffee down the street to meet up with family and decide what to do about the situation. The “situation” resolved itself when Jeremy and Robin bumped into the judge who was also grabbing a cup of Joe.
Jeremy and Robin asked the judge for something not on the coffee house menu: a piping hot cup of love.
“I actually think it’s really fitting. We’re both a little goofy in our ways,” said Robin, the new bride.
Goofy doesn’t even begin to define Jeremy and Robin’s wedding day.
Their plans for a quiet courtroom wedding derailed when someone called in a bomb threat at the Lansing Police Department. The nearby courthouse had to be evacuated. That led to the chance encounter with the judge and his staff – also kicked out of the office because of the bomb threat.
“The ladies convinced him, ‘hey, lets get married here,’ and we hopped on that grenade and went for it,” laughed Jeremy, the groom. “[He] even took our $10 fee and mailed it in for us.”
While this seems like a crazy story, Jeremy said it’s just par for the course for him. He survived a helicopter crash as a Marine and was once caught in a landslide on a mountain in Wyoming.
“I’ve lived through some crazy things and odd stuff just happens to me that’s always memorable; or that should be in a Will Ferrell movie,” said Jeremy.
The couple said the whole experience was fun. Friends and strangers watched the two “espresso” their love for one another. Their first wedding present was fitting for the occasion too.
“A lady came up to us with a Biggby gift certificate too and it was from her and the staff at Biggby,” said Robin. “So that was pretty sweet too… Definitely memorable.”
“It was good,” said Jeremy. “Nobody exploded. Nobody died. So that was a bonus.”
The couple is planning a more traditional ceremony when they can have it outdoors in the spring.
To watch the video in full , click the link below:
Original article:,0,1005426.story
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