
Date Night Cocktail: The BIGGBY Bomber

Category: One BIGG Island in Space

Mike McFall, the Co-CEO of BIGGBY Coffee, works hard and plays hard. His favorite way to play is on the ice. He describes the BIGGBY Bombers Hockey Team this way: “Mediocre beer league hockey played by outstanding below average players.” But don’t let him fool you . . . the Bombers are the bomb and they play hard.


A twist on our usual date night, Bob is celebrating the Bombers and BIGGBY Coffee’s new Area Representatives with a BIGGBY Bombers’ Cocktail. It packs quite a whallop, and it’s cool and refreshing served (appropriately) over ice.


There are two versions: Bob’s “fancified” cocktail, and Mike’s more straightforward approach, and they are both delicious. So strap on your skates, figuratively speaking, and join us in toasting the BIGGBY Bombers way!